Company Policy - Anti-Corruption Policy


On its board meeting at 7th October, 2014 the Board of Directors of ARSENAL JSCo. updated the Company Policy for Prevention and Disclosure of Conflict of Interest and Corruption, and rendered the following decisions:

  1. In implementation of the Company Policy for Prevention and Disclosure of Conflict of Interest and Corruption, the Board of Directors has elected an Ethics Committee with the following members:

CHAIRMAN: Yanko Kostadinov  - Chairman of the Board of Directors;

Dobrin Dragnev - Member of the Board of Directors;

Stefan Stoev  - Head of Internal Financial Control Dept.

Vasil Vasilev  - Head of Security Department
Penko Totev - Head of Staff Department

  1. On the Company web-site a postal address, hotline number and an e-mail address shall be published, for sending warnings/signal reports to the Ethics Committee. 
  2. A file shall be opened for each received warning/report, and within seven working days from its receipt a report to the Board of Directors shall be prepared.
  3. The Board of Directors shall review the introduced report within thirty days from its entry.
  4. In case of detected conflict of interest or corruption, the operating management shall be immediately notified in order to take relevant measures.

Board of Directors of ARSENAL JSCo.:

Yanko Kostadinov        
Nikolay Ibushev
Stanil Stanilov
Hristo Ibouchev
Dobrin Dragnev 

  pdf Company Policy for prevention and disclosure of conflict of interest and corruption (991 KB)