Assault Rifles

7.62x39 mm AR-M527F

Assault Rifles

7.62x39 mm  ARSENAL Assault Rifle AR-M527F small-size with folding butt

NSN: 1005-50-001-4214

The 7.62x39 mm AR-M527F is a highly effective automatic weapon designed for the antipersonnel role at range up to 500m.

The system operates on propellant gasses diverted through a vent in the barrel.

The barrel chamber is closed by turn of the bolt and engaging the firing stops in the receiver.

The receiver is made from hot die forged solid blank followed by milling operations.

The weapon is fed from a 30-round arcuated staggered magazine, manufactured from glass fiber reinforced polycaproamide.

The trigger-firing mechanism has a hammer, which is activated by firing spring. This mechanism has a safety device-safety for setting from safe position to single or automatic fire mode, as well as contrariwise. The safety simultaneously serves as a safety lever preventing accidental shoots. It is located on the right hand side of the receiver and is formed as a long pivoted lever. When set in the utmost upper position (safe) the trigger is blocked. In this position the safety serves two other functions:

         -  prevents contaminating of the receiver through the bolt carrier handle slot in the receiver cover;

         -  prevents from reloading the barrel chamber.

The lower hand guard and the upper hand guard and pistol grip are made from glass fiber reinforced polycaproamide.

The lower hand guard is equipped with Rails MIL-STD 1913 (Picatinny) on three sides (at the 3, 6 and 9 o'clock positions), which make possible the attachment of Flash Light, Laser Aim Indicator, Front Hand Grip, Bipod, etc.

Main Features:

Above the receiver cover of the AR-M527F there is a Picatinny rail, MIL-STD (1913), on which different kinds of Sighting Devices can be attached to the Rifle.


7.62 mm AR-M527F has left-side folding plastic butt.


For quick target acquisition in low-light conditions Tritium Self-illuminated Night Sight (3-dot sight system) can be used.


Ambidextrous Safety Lever is available (an additional left fire mode Selector Lever, for rapid fire mode changing and for convenience of left-handed shooters).


The Assault Rifle design allows the attachment of 40x46mm UBGL-M6, UBGL-M8 and 40 mm UBGL-1 ARSENAL Underbarrel Grenade Launchers and firing with them.

Optional Extras (Paid Separately):
  • Black polymer magazines for 40 cartridges;
  • Front sight adjusting kit (in the ratio 1:10);
  • Blank fire attachment;
  • Magazines coupling device;
  • Knife scissors;
  • Front hand grip;
  • Silencer

Calibre, mm


Cartridge, mm


Fire mode

Single, automatic

Rate of fire, rounds/min


Practical rate of fire


     - automatic fire, rounds/min


     - single fire, rounds/min


Muzzle velocity, m/s


Sighting range, m

up to 500

Max. firing range, m


Effective firing range, m


Magazine capacity, rounds


Barrel length, mm


Sight radius, mm


Length, mm:


     - with plastic extended butt


     - with folded butt in travelling position




- rifle without magazine, kg

- loaded magazine, kg



System life, rounds

15 000

Principle of function

gas operated automatic rifle


Cleaning rod & Cleaning rod extender

30 rds Magazine - 4 pcs

Multi-purpose carrying sling

Bag for 4 Magazines

Box with accessories (brush, drift, scourer, screwdriver)

Oil can


10 assault rifles in a wooden case


Case dimensions, mm


Gross Weight of the wooden case, kg


Volume of the wooden case, m3
