Rounds for 2A28 Gun mounted on BMP-1

73 mm RHEF-15MA1

Rounds for 2A28 Gun mounted on BMP-1

73 mm Round RHEF-15MA1 with High-Explosive Fragmentation Anti-Personnel Grenade GHEF-9MA1



Main Features:

The 73 mm Round RHEF-15MA1 is the best and most powerful ammunition designed for destroying enemy troops and fire
means in the open, in trenches, in hasty field shelters or brick-wall fortifications, light armoured vehicles and the infantry.

  • The Grenade body with pre-fragmented elements. This innovation vigorously improves several times the destructive power and effectiveness of the Round upon impact;
  • increased fragmentation: over than 1000 fragments, in weight 1.0...2.0 g;
  • Point-detonating fuze AF77 with super-quick and graze (anti-ricochet) function, independent of impact angle.
Caliber, mm 73
Max firing range, m 4 500
Weight of the round, kg 4.57
Weight of the grenade, kg 3.68
Muzzle velocity, m/s 290
Type of explosive filling A-IX-1 (RDX)
Weight of explosive filling, kg 0.75
Fragmentation-prefabricated lethal
fragments in weight 1.0 ... 2.0 g, pcs
over 1000
Operational temperature range, °C
The Round consists:
from minus 40 to 50
Fuze AF77
High-explosive Fragmentation Grenade GHEF-9MA1
Propellant Charge CP-152
Weapon Systems:

2A28 Gun mounted on BMP-1.

  • 6 Rounds are packed in a wooden case as follows:
  • 6 Grenades GHEF-9MA1 (each one in airtight plastic bag)
    and 6 Propellant Charges (3 in a plastic containers).
Wooden case:

Dimensions, mm    1 065x525x305      

Weight, kg                        57
Volume, m3                            0.17